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Army is a small country located in a region of sort of card. The population of my country just 3 million, and the territory of Armenia is 29,000 pure kil. You can cross arming a by car during one day. My name is Serbia, Manus. I am a ambassador of public or a million from China. Today I am going to briefly introduce my country, our location just on a border between Europe and Asia, our culture, our traditions, our customs who are close to the euro. The Armenia is an ancient country. You can see a lot of ancient moments and element of ancient civilization of my country. The 4th would step over me and in history were fixed in the ancient mountain street dated by8th century BC when the castle of Arabian evils found it on the territory of Armenia. And now this is a open sky museum in AA capital or media a year of our city. We are the country who accept the Christianity of the state religious in beginning of the 4th century and we were the four we lost our independence, unfortunately, 13th century AD, but we saved our language, we saved our traditions, we save our customs and culture. You can see the fantastic seniors of ancient and modern culture. You can see a a lot of fantastic ancient castles, monasteries, churches, cross stone. You can see during one day, winter and summer you can see cold weather and cold weather of mountains and hills, rivers and lakes. Welcome to Armenia, AR and enjoy a hospitality of our means. Welcome. We are welcome guest in my country.


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